Industry News

Ingersoll Rand Receives Best Environmental Stewardship Award

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center has named Ingersoll Rand the winner of the 2018 Corporate Citizenship Awards, in the category of Best Environmental Stewardship.

Ingersoll Rand Team

The Ingersoll Rand team accepts Best Environmental Stewardship award alongside 2017 winners, The Renewal Workshop.

Ingersoll Rand was recognized for addressing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its own operations and products, and continued research for a sustainable future. The company achieved its commitment to reduce its own greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint by 35% by 2020 by focusing on energy reduction, optimization of refrigerant charging, upgrading its fleet to improve gas mileage, and renewable energy. During the past four years, it has reduced GHG emissions associated with operations by 37% – surpassing its goal two years early.


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Compressed Air Purification Fundamentals

The several fundamentals of compressed air purification include Partial Pressure, Molar Mass, Saturation Pressure, Relative Humidity, and Impact of Molar Mass Ratio on Vapor Pressure and Total Water in Air. These aspects highlight the relevance of water concentration and removal in a compressed air unit impacting the dryer.

Compressed Air Purification Fundamentals

To read more about practical package compressor issue and their relationship to the fundamentals of compressed air purification, click here

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How To Measure Performance of Installed Air Compressors

It can be challenging to measure an air compressor Free Air Delivery (FAD). Adjusting your flow meter can make this process a little easier.

An air compressor serves to transform ambient air into pressured or compressed air. After compressed air is produced, its power is measured through its power rating and the manufacturer’s new FAD specifications.

compressed air

Here are several questions to consider when attempting to measure compressed air performance:

  1. What is the amount of electrical power being consumed by the unit?
  2. What is the delivery amount of compressed air being produced by the unit?
  3. What is the pressure profile?

In order to answer these question, there are two methods of performance measurement, one of which is called temporary performance measurement. This occurs when the measuring is conducted during the system assessment phase of procuring an air compressor. The other type is referred to as permanent performance measurement, which just means that the unit’s power is perpetually measured.

To read more about measuring the performance of installed compressor air compressors, click here

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Navigating Pump System Assessment

Last year, the Pump System Assessment Professional (PSAP) certificate program was developed by the Hydraulic Institute to test and certify those with comprehensive assessment experience.   

This PSAP certificate program can help ensure that a member of your team is qualified to assess and determine what needs to be done to optimize pump systems. The process of the pump system assessment includes four major tasks, such as pre-screening, development of the assessment team, detailed measurement and data gathering and analysis, as well as reporting.  

pump system assessment

When a pump system assessment is properly performed, this can result in the greatest return in investment for the certificate. Problem areas can be identified and treated, instead of allowing issues to grow worse.  

Moreover, there can be thousands of pumps in an industrial plant, in addition to having hundreds of pump systems. Pre-screening a plant’s pump system is the best approach.  

Want a more in-depth guide to pump system assessment? READ MORE HERE. 

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The Benefits Of Screw Pumps

Fluid flow processes are one of the five main classes of unit operations in chemical processing. Fluid flow processing, as you know, includes the transfer, filtration, solids fluidization and transportation activities. Centrifugal pumps have been the preferred industry standard to manage fluid flow processing, but in some cases these pumps can be inefficient and costly.  

screw pumps

Positive Displacement (PD) screw pumps can be a viable alternative to centrifugal pumps, when such inefficiency is found. The PD screw pumps are designed to handle a wide variety of liquids, including those with higher viscosities. Benefits of screw pump technology in chemical fluid processing include the ability to handle a wide range of flows, pressures, liquid types and viscosities, offering a constant flow despite backpressures, and many more.  

For more detailed insights into the benefits of Screw Pumps compared to Centrifugal Pumps, READ MORE HERE. 

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Basic Pump Facts You Should Know

Every now and then, it’s important to go back to the basics. We often get so caught up in the advances technology has offered to us, that we forget the foundations of our systems and operations. As a refresher, we’ve pulled this collection of basic pump facts you should know, from editorial writer Jim Elsey of Pumps & Systems. Below are basic pump facts for single-stage overhung centrifugal pumps moving ambient clear water


Pumps are really designed to operate at only one point. That hydraulic condition of one point of head and flow is the best efficiency point (BEP), also known as the best operating point. Anywhere else on the published set of curves is simply a commercial compromise. It would be too expensive for most end users to have a pump designed and built for their unique set of hydraulic conditions.

Pay attention to the published pump curves. Manufacturers’ pump performance curves are based on clear water at approximately 65 F, unless stated otherwise. They will not be corrected for fluid viscosity. The horsepower stated may or may not be corrected for specific gravity or viscosity.

When the manufacturers’ published pump curve stops at some point of flow and head, it is for a good reason. Do not operate the pump at the end of the curve; if there was more performance to be generated from the curve beyond that point, the manufacturer would have extended the curve. Operating at or near the end of the curve will be fraught with performance issues.

Pumps are stupid. A centrifugal pump is simply a machine, where for a given set of fluid properties, impeller geometry and operating speed it will react to the system in which it is installed. The pump will operate (flow and head) where its performance curve intersects the system curve. The system curve dictates where the pump will operate.

Pumps do not suck fluids. This is a common misunderstanding, but realize that some energy source other than the pump must supply the energy required for the fluid to get to the pump. Normally these are gravity and/or atmospheric pressure. Lastly, fluids do not have tensile strength. Consequently, the pump cannot reach out and pull fluid into the suction.




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The Basics of Bearing Remanufacturing

Rotating equipment and bearings for pump applications require the use of rolling bearings, no question. As a result, it’s smart business practice to efficiently maintain rolling bearings so they don’t wear out prematurely from rust, solid metal contaminants, and metal-to-metal contact. In the event that a bearing fails, applying a controlled remanufacturing process for the bearing and reusing it is a low-cost compared to just replacing the damaged rolling bearing.

Bearing Remanufacturing

Best Practices for Bearing Remanufacturing

Rolling bearings are candidates for remanufacturing (although it may be economically unwise for small sizes), and the nature and extent of restoration will depend on a particular bearing’s condition and application requirements. In general, during remanufacturing, relevant functional surfaces of the bearing will be repaired, including the replacement of bearing components when necessary.

As a best practice, expert bearing analysts should be consulted. They will be sufficiently equipped to evaluate the bearing and identify which remanufacturing approach will be the most efficient in restoring the bearing. Standard industry procedures and established criteria then will guide recommendations and restoration work. Some bearings may need more work than others. As a result, categories of rework leading to remanufacturing have been devised.

Inspection. This is the first step—whether for a used bearing or for bearings stored over a long period—and involves comparing them with drawing and/or specification requirements. This process typically includes cleaning, degreasing and disassembling the bearing; nondestructive testing; visual or microscopic inspection and dimensional inspection; followed by a detailed bearing analysis report offering recommendations for appropriate treatment and suitable rework attention.

Reclassification. This procedure encompasses all the operations of inspection in addition to minor repair (buffing and minor polishing of inactive and active surfaces and grinding of scratches and grooves), demagnetization, reassembly, dynamic testing, lubrication and preservation, and packaging for return to service.

Refurbishment. This category of service builds on inspection and the selected reclassification activities and will include one or more of the following: replacing rolling elements, remanufacturing the bearing’s cage for the rolling elements or replacing it with an identical cage, interchanging used components (such as seals, snap rings and others), grinding or polishing and/or plating of mounting surfaces to return to original drawing dimensions of the bearing outside surface and bore, and polishing raceways.

During refurbishment, appreciable material removal takes place, which removes superficial damage and modifies the stressed material volume. The surface is finished to its original blueprint specification. Then, the bearing is refitted with new rolling elements with a diameter equal to the diameter of the elements previously contained in the bearing, plus twice the depth of material removal. Cages are inspected for cracks and replated or replaced with a new one. Usually, new rolling elements are placed in the cage, and the bearing is then reassembled.

Remanufacturing. This set of activities will include the previous operations of inspection, reclassification and, where appropriate, refurbishment. It will also extend to one or more of the following activities: grinding, installing a new ring, and changing or substituting components to create a different assembly identity (in effect, modifying in order to improve performance or properties).

During remanufacturing, deeper grinding of inner and outer ring raceways of larger bearings is acceptable. Moreover, further machining methods, such as hard turning, can be applied. Superficial damage is removed, and the stressed material volume is modified. The surface is finished to its original blueprint specification. In some cases, new rolling elements exceeding the original rolling element diameter may be engineered. This size increase of the rolling elements may require reworking of the cage pockets or cage replacement.

After work is completed, final inspection and measurements, cleaning and preservation, service reporting and archiving of documentation should be performed.


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Progressing Cavity Pump Repair, Service & Maintenance 

Also referred to as progressive cavity pumps, progg cavity pumps, PC pumps, and cavity pumps, these positive displacement pumps are designed to move fluids at the same velocity irrespective of the inlet pressure. Progressing cavity pumps draw fluid via a suction inlet and direct it into an elongated casing holding a helical rotor and stator assembly that discharges the fluid at steady velocity via the discharge outlet.

Most progressive cavity pumps come with accessory options to prevent the pump from running dry. Otherwise, the rotor and stator can generate too much heat, causing the pump to fail. Other advantages of PC pumps include their high suction lift, self-priming capability, and higher discharge pressures compared to many other positive displacement pumps.

Progressing cavity pumps

Progressing Cavity Pump: Repair, Service & Maintenance

With their high pressure and high suction lift capabilities, PCPs can be used in a wide range of applications, including:

Dosing and Metering

PC pumps are designed to prevent flow pulsation, which helps ensure smooth fluid flow for metering applications, like when you need to dose viscous fluids such as chemicals and additives. The faster the speed of the pump, the higher the flow rate, and vice versa.

Pumping shear-sensitive fluids

The fact that the flow rate of PCP discharge is proportional to the speed of the pump means that very little shear is applied to the material being pumped. This aspect, combined with the low internal velocity of PC pumps, makes them suitable for pumping materials containing fragile solids and other shear-sensitive fluids.

Pumping Abrasive Fluids

The design for most pumps allows the material being pumped to travel within the walls of the casing at high velocity. If the fluid contains abrasive solids, this can scour the walls and cause the pump to wear faster. However, PC pumps take the material through a long casing at low velocity, such that the abrasive particles are not thrust against the internal walls violently enough to cause significant wear. This abrasion-resistance is one of the properties that makes PC pumps last longer than other pumps when used for the same applications.

Need help buying a progressive cavity pump?

If you’re looking for a highly adaptable positive displacement pump that can handle some of the toughest pumping applications and difficult fluids, then a progressive cavity pump may be the right choice for you. A PCP professional can help you make the right selection for your specific application.


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Pump Maintenance Useful Tips on Industrial Pump Repair & Service

What schedule should be followed for your pump maintenance system?

Pumping systems can be complex, with many moving parts and subsystems that need to be regularly inspected and constantly maintained. The wrong pump maintenance schedule and failure to frequently inspect pumping systems can lead to premature failure, losses in efficiency and increased operating costs.

Pump Maintenance, Service & Repair

Checklist Items need to be included and Schedule in regular pump maintenance

Therefore, it is recommended that a monitoring, maintenance and schedule be adopted, and it should include, at a minimum:

  1. When applicable, gland packings must be adjusted to maintain concentric alignment of the gland follower, and maintain specified leakage so the packing and follower do not overheat.
  2. Check for any leaks from gaskets and seals. The correct functioning of the shaft seal must be checked regularly.
  3. Check bearing lubricant level, and verify if the hours run show a lubricant change is required.
  4. Check and verify that the duty condition is in the allowable operating region for the pump.
  5. Check vibration, noise level and surface temperature at the bearings to confirm satisfactory operation.
  6. Check that dirt and dust are removed from areas around close clearances, bearing housings and motors.
  7. Check coupling alignment and realign if necessary.
    Note: Additionally, installed auxiliary systems should be included in the maintenance plan so they are monitored and maintained to ensure that they function properly.

An inspection and maintenance log should be kept and problems that are identified should be reported immediately. Unusual applications with abnormal heat, moisture, dust, etc., may require more frequent inspection and service.
A maintenance plan should include required spare parts to keep on hand. A list of recommended spare parts will depend on normal supplier lead time when ordering parts, whether pumping equipment is used for normal duty or severe duty and whether or not there is backup pumping while a unit is down for maintenance. See Table 2 for a suggested list of spare parts for pumping units. Note that the items listed for severe duty are in addition to the items listed for normal duty.

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Magnetically Driven Pumps

As the name implies, magnetic drive pumps use a magnetic field type of coupling to transfer torque from the motor to initiate motion in the pump, rather than the mechanical connection found in conventional pump designs.

Magnetically Driven Pump

Mag drive pumps have a larger axis error between the motor and drive shaft that makes them ideal for precision systems. They are also used in propeller and liquid pump systems because the design drive creates a physical barrier between the driver and driven shafts, preventing the fluid from penetrating the motor.

Some of the characteristics that make mag driven pumps ideal for these applications include:

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Seal-less design – no mechanical seal means no leakage
  • 100% emissions free – safe operations when pumping toxic materials
  • Ruggedness for use in extreme conditions
  • Low maintenance

Some of the common applications of magnetically driven pumps include:


Because of their zero-leakage property, mag driven pumps are recommended for pumping highly corrosive petroleum products.

Water refinement

Mag driven pumps can be used in water treatments plants because they can be completely submerged in the water without any problems or risk of corrosion from the chemicals added to the water.

Reverse osmosis

This is a kind of water treatment process that filters chemicals and impurities from dirty water to improve its taste. The treatment process uses mag driven pumps to pressurize the system and facilitate effective elimination of impurities from the water.

Magnetically driven pumps can be used in a wide variety of applications that require the pump to be submerged in the respective fluid.

It is important that you get the right mag driven pump for your exact application requirements to ensure optimal performance and long life. These pumps generally require minimal service and maintenance, but they should be properly installed and serviced for consistent results and reliability.

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